Thursday, November 10, 2011
I miss you Unicorn
Just got a unicorn pin from the roomie <3 I'll post pictures soon
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Hotel Unicorn(o)
Since I've left my residency I have been inconsistent with my posting... facebook distracting me from what I need to be doing? Who knows but let's keep going with our facebook theme. Sofia Mejias is one of my best field spotters for my unicorn research. So I leave you with one of the unicorns that she makes an appearance with. 11/8
Monday, November 7, 2011
UniPORN Unicorn
When all else fails put a penis on your head and call yourself a unicorn. Apparently there is a subculture of mythological creatures in porn specifically uniporn. Enjoy ;)
"Friends" Unicorn
So while sitting with friends, and on facebook at the same time, the fundamental issue I have with facebook, I went to post a unicorn post and Leah Marie said "HAVE YOU SEEN THE UNICORN IN MY PROFILE PICTURES." So this is the post for 11/6 enjoy...
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Facebook Stalker Unicorn
To celebrate the end of my four week facebook absence here is a unicorn I found one day when I was facebook stalking. woohoo. Apparently I was stalking "Daniel Burns" (or someone who knew him that reminded me to stalk him) on July 30. 2011
Pipecleaner Seahorse Unicorn
Sorry Sorry... In late will post the unicorn from today when I take a picture of it. Today when we were in the kid's space at Mass MOCA I made a seahorse unicorn :o) Very exciting will share soon!
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Mass MOCA Unicorn
We're headed to Mass MOCA tomorrow and I would LOVE to be an artist in residence in their kid's space. So I was looking up the current artists and I found Johnston Foster's "One Trick Pony" The link to his work is above. I want to shout out his authenticity in his depiction of the unicorn. His use of beard, cloven hooves, and extended horn are realistic accurate features of the unicorn that aren't seen in popular culture versions of the unicorn. You know when you spot these features that you have spotted a unicorn enthusiast who KNOWS about unicorns.
We're headed to Mass MOCA tomorrow and I would LOVE to be an artist in residence in their kid's space. So I was looking up the current artists and I found Johnston Foster's "One Trick Pony" The link to his work is above. I want to shout out his authenticity in his depiction of the unicorn. His use of beard, cloven hooves, and extended horn are realistic accurate features of the unicorn that aren't seen in popular culture versions of the unicorn. You know when you spot these features that you have spotted a unicorn enthusiast who KNOWS about unicorns.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Tangled Unicorn
To stay with the movie theme we can't forget that "Vladmir collects ceramic U-NI-COOOOORNS" BUT did you see the HIDDEN unicorn in the movie. I DID! I also like that this weeks unicorns are unicorns on the front of boats. Motif? Unfortunately you can spot the "Horned Horse" because this "unicorn" has a horse's tail, therefore, NOT a unicorn :(
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Tintin Unicorn

Couldn't find a good movie to watch this evening so I decided to watch some trailers. Excited to announce ANOTHER movie with "unicorns" "HORNED HORSE" hooves are not cloven and horn is too short. The movie "The Adventures of Tintin." Again with the weird connections..... here at my residency in Troy the only names/pictures that appear on shirts that I have with me are... Unicorns, Wanakena, Kerm Remele, Marie Antoinette, AND TINTIN! WILD anyway from these pictures I would like to assume that the secret of the movie actually revolves around unicorns. One of the highlighted words happens to be unicorn. So I can't wait to re-post this movie with hopefully a NEW image of a unicorn the first time I see it. Out in theaters December 21st WOO!
Monday, October 31, 2011
Ever After Unicorn

I am delighted and SURPRISED to announce that Ever After: A Cinderella Story HAS UNICORNS. I have NEVER noticed them until today. Here at the masque we see a display with what may be "sea horse unicorns?" Oddly enough I'm sitting here making a pair of wings for a project to do with unicorns when the most recognizable part of the movie with wings also contains the scene with unicorns. Mighty exciting
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Halloween Unicorn
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Plunger Unicorn
Monday, January 10, 2011
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Lois Einhorn (Unicorn)

If you read the first post of this blog you will find that I am interested in the subtle presence and innuendo of unicorns in movies. Einhorn is the German word for Unicorn. So flipping back and forth between Cinderella (the one with Brandy) and Ace Ventura: Pet Detective I heard EINHORN and looked up from my computer. An angry football player poses as a missing woman and the punchline after her reveal as really being a him is the vomiting police officers who all apparently made out with Einhorn. I'm considering calling the writing team for the movie to see if the chose "Unicorn" as hint that this person is gay.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Friday, January 7, 2011
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Monday, January 3, 2011
Facebook Stalking Unicorn

I'm not interested in forcing this. I want to naturally find a unicorn each day. On my way to posting an empty post with intentions of posting an image later, I stopped by facebook first. In my newsfeed I decided to investigate an image of a facebook friend wearing a Britney Spears t-shirt. I accidentally stumbled upon the "Mobile Uploads" album of a Miss Marie Madeleine Eife. I have never heard of this person before but we have 73 mutual friends. I am excited that my unicorn search has crossed paths with my experimental approach to my relationship with facebook.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Snow Unicorn
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